
Hi, I am Gabor Meszaros. I created this website to document and share what I learned in my professional life. That mostly means topics from leadership, product/project management, and software engineering. Disclaimer: The opinions expressed here belong solely to myself, and do not reflect the views of my employer.

If your interest is more in me, you can find more information about me on my personal site.

About Gabor

A picture of Gabor Meszaros

I am a Hungarian. If it does not say much to you, do not worry, Hungary is a small country in Central Europe. We are mostly known for our incredibly difficult language, our invasion of Europe in the 9-10th century, and that Elon Musk works very hard to bring us home. I am from Hungary, but I live with my wife and my daughter in Switzerland - close to Zürich and the Alps.

Currently, I work as an engineering manager at Proton. Before Proton, I worked as a software engineer, a technical lead, and a team leader mainly in the fields of healthcare, aerospace simulation, and training.

In my free time, I spend as much time as I can with my daughter, I like bicycle touring, and I work with my wife to bootstrap Tanits.

About Early Often

Early Often is my approach to documenting and sharing what I learn, and it is also a good tool to accelerate and make that learning more efficient. I wish I could say that you will only find perfectly edited, well-written posts, but I am sure that I will often not have time for that. Although I will try very hard to not pollute the site with half-baked posts, I also use it to learn to express myself in written English, so, I need to write.

English is not my mother tongue, so I always appreciate any feedback that helps me to become better at it. Please feel free to contact me if you want to correct my language, or if you would like to share your opinion on what I write about.


You can contact me on any of the sites I mentioned on my personal website or by writing to gabor@earlyoften.com.